Day 242: How Does Clutter Make You Feel?

During my ‘quiet time’ session this morning, I started drawing my cup of water with a slice of lemon it it.

As I drew the circle for the rim of the cup, I remembered the song All My Life’s a Circle and it brought back memories of me singing it as a child. After feeling quite nostalgia about the song, I found a fun version of it on You Tube. I only ever used to sing the first verse but the whole version is in the video clip below.

I hope the song makes you smile.

I messaged my parents to see if they had a copy of the cassette tape with me singing it as toddler, but they said that it’s probably in their garage or mine. Between us we may struggle to find it 😀.

I spoke to my mum on the phone earlier and she said that since mentioning it, my dad’s been singing it all day! He then got on the phone and sang the first verse to me 😂.

[Update 30 Aug: my mum and dad found the tapes and sent me a copy of the song; however, I can’t work out how to add a voice memo in).

Clearing journal

I listened to a bit more of Your Spacious Self by Stephanie Bennett Vodt this afternoon and she suggested starting a journal to record thoughts about clearing clutter and any feelings that pop up. I thought about this morning and not being able to put my hands on the missing cassette tape.

From my bedroom drawer, I picked out this beautiful leather journal that my mum and dad bought me for my birthday a few months ago which I haven’t started using yet.

My leather journal

Prompted by a question in Your Spacious Self, one of the first things that I wrote in the journal was the answer to the question How does clutter make you feel? Here are my immediate thoughts:

Journaling as I clear the clutter

I will probably add to the list as time goes in, but I really wanted to get on and make a difference to the stuff around me today as I continue to feel stifled by it, particularly in the bedroom. I took a few deep breaths and got to work on sorting stuff that was lying around and I managed to clear some space. I also started to clear the tops of the wardrobes as well. One of them is done…

I was pleased that I had made a bit of progress, although I haven’t sorted out the stuff in the boxes. I had a quick peep and they are filled with memories etc. (no cassette tape though 😊).

This evening we played Buzz on the PlayStation as a family and now I’m treating myself to a relaxing bubble bath.

Quick question to you all. How does clutter make you feel?

Until tomorrow…


About Sandra Madeira

I am a working mum and entrepreneur with a passion for writing, coaching, mentoring and inspiring others. Subjects I tend to blog about are life skills, parenting, decluttering, worklife balance, career etc. I’ve been on a decluttering mission for years creating space in my house, garden and mind. In 2020 I challenged myself to declutter every day for a whole year and write about it daily. After that success I took on a challenge to change my career from accountant to life coach, and in early 2024 set up my own company. I continue to keep up with the decluttering, and now write daily about my home life and coaching business. Have a good day! Sandra www.
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9 Responses to Day 242: How Does Clutter Make You Feel?

  1. Liz says:

    I don’t like clutter and so I have been clutter free for many years, not that I had much then. The joke used to be do you have anything left? But yes, I do. 🙂

    But with dealings of mum’s affairs now, means I have some extra things in my home. Those few extra things have made it feel a little cluttered, with me living in a one bed apartment. It has took some adjustment.
    Although I have cleared some things to charity of mum’s and mine, I can’t get rid of all mum’s in case there comes a time she made need them. The chances are mum won’t. But I won’t get rid while she’s alive.

    • Thank you for your comment Liz. Well done for being clutter free – sounds like you are an expert at this. I could learn a lot from you. Re your mum’s stuff, I suppose as long as it’s in one place, you will know where it is when she needs it. Take care, Sandra 🙂

      • Liz says:

        Yes. It’s visible, so can’t be missed. I have two boxes in my bedroom. Covered them with a large towel to make it feel less cluttered.
        My living room has gained a couple of pieces of furniture. They both have a place and well used, but this is where I have had to learn to adapt. It doesn’t help that I have a small table in the way, along with a slim box that is something for mum I bought for the care home. But when it will go, I don’t know, because I don’t want mum staying at this care home.
        As for small table of mine, I have it advertised for sale. But if can’t sell, will give to charity.
        Also giving away my Christmas tree and decorations that went on it. I didn’t use it ladt year, but decided I don’t want it up anymore this year either, or onwards.

      • Sounds like you are a very organised person. I think it’s a very good idea to sell anything you don’t want, or give stuff to charity. I’ve sold a couple of things today. You can always buy another tree if you change your mind 😊

      • Liz says:

        I like to be organised so I know where things are.
        Yes, I can always get another tree years down the line, when I am not living where I currently am. If the mood takes me.
        I will keep the fairy lights, so they will go up at Christmas on the wall somewhere.

  2. Lazy, I get mad at myself when I realize that I have let things slide and if I had not been lazy it would not have happened. That is also motivating to me.

  3. Pingback: Day 243: Practising Acceptance and Detaching Myself From the Clutter… and I Sold Some Today | Sandra Madeira

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