A Morning Walk To Refresh the Mind

This was the first day in a long time that I’ve woken up and not thought about clearing my office. It felt good to walk in there and see everything tidy. I went outside for a 20 minute walk to clear my mind and took this photo. Don’t you think it symbolises a new beginning?

New Year… New Beginning

Clearing update

Today I spent half an hour clearing the stuff by the back door; all the rubbish, boxes and other packaging from Christmas. It felt good making a start on tackling the mound and leaving it all outside to be recycled in a couple of days. I had to keep a few boxes back as we have some items to return but have made a note to get rid of them if I don’t use all of them. That’s the only way I’m going to be able to live a life of having less stuff.

Reflecting back

Quite by chance I just stumbled upon one of my posts from Mar 2021 called Looking Forward to Meeting My True Self. I really don’t remember writing it but there are some nuggets of wisdom in there such as not focusing on the clutter but something else.

“By changing my mindset I can start living as if I already have a clear house, and then have something else as the focus of the day”

I am going to take note of this, and the following affirmation as I move forward into my next chapter.

“I am excited to sit, breathe and relax in my clear and organised space”

It feels good to be blogging again.

Until next time…


About Sandra Madeira

I am a working mum and entrepreneur with a passion for writing, coaching, mentoring and inspiring others. Subjects I tend to blog about are life skills, parenting, decluttering, worklife balance, career etc. I’ve been on a decluttering mission for years creating space in my house, garden and mind. In 2020 I challenged myself to declutter every day for a whole year and write about it daily. After that success I took on a challenge to change my career from accountant to life coach, and in early 2024 set up my own company. I continue to keep up with the decluttering, and now write daily about my home life and coaching business. Have a good day! Sandra www.https://sandra@solarcoaching.co.uk
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