Keep calm and tidy up

I applied the 10 minute tidy rule when tidying my spare room yesterday evening. I set the timer and began. When the alarm went off I felt so motivated to carry on that I ended up resetting the timer 3 more times.

In amongst the mess, I stumbled upon 2 red ‘click and store’ boxes that had been collapsed down and shoved behind some other clutter. imageThe very appropriately named phrase displayed on the top read ‘Keep calm and tidy up’ which motivated me to do more clutter clearing, especially when I realised that I could fill them with things left lying around. Dangerous!

Until tomorrow.


About Sandra Madeira

I am a working mum and entrepreneur with a passion for writing, coaching, mentoring and inspiring others. Subjects I tend to blog about are life skills, parenting, decluttering, worklife balance, career etc. I’ve been on a decluttering mission for years creating space in my house, garden and mind. In 2020 I challenged myself to declutter every day for a whole year and write about it daily. After that success I took on a challenge to change my career from accountant to life coach, and in early 2024 set up my own company. I continue to keep up with the decluttering, and now write daily about my home life and coaching business. Have a good day! Sandra www.
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